So wedding planning has slowed down to a crawl.  We’ve taken care of the venue, the food, the music, and the photographer.  We’re figuring out the colors and the attire.  Turns out there’s just not much to do at this point.  As much as I would like to figure out the specifics of the decor, I’ve already changed my mind at least five times (ok, ten) so it’s probably not worth my time to put a lot of effort into it with eleven months still to go.  So for now, we’re just trying to take advantage of the summer weather while it’s still here (pictures to follow…eventually).

   Despite this, I have had a growing obsession with Pinterest.  Has anybody else experienced this?  It started with pinning pictures that inspired ideas for our wedding, and has grown into a bucket list, a dream home layout, and recipe must-makes.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it would behoove you to move on and pretend like you never saw this post.  It’s addicting!  But in my defense, it’s a really great way of keeping things I like in one easy-to-access place.  Basically it’s the electronic equivalent of cutting pictures/articles/etc… that you like out of magazines and newspapers and filing them away.  So if you’re looking for an easier way of bookmarking things you like on the internet, this might be a helpful site for you.  But please don’t hold it against me if I have contributed to your new addiction 🙂

Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to update everyone on some more interesting wedding stuff sooner than later.  I suppose I should enjoy this lull while it lasts.   Hope everyone is having a great end-of-summer!